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About Me

I spent years chasing after fulfillment in all the wrong ways and places.

I was a workaholic, striving to one day be CEO of a non-profit, convinced that as a woman it was my duty to take the helm of a community-focused agency. It was my duty to feminism. It was my duty to social justice. It was how and where I could make the most positive impact on society.  I was pro-contraception and pro-abortion because I was pro-woman. I was anti-Catholic for a variety of reasons, - personal, political and theological, including that Catholicism seemed deeply anti-woman.


With these philosophies, mixed with an affinity for academia and a healthy concern for the environment, my husband and I had decided to avoid having children. We concluded that the world was already too populated. We concluded that children would hinder our lifestyle of work and recreation. We concluded that we were not up for the task of bringing children into a world with such injustice, such division, such hatred, and such threat of total annihilation of the human race. Babies seemed to us, in our naivete, to be for selfish couples who had a void of love they felt needed filling, or who felt some narcissistic drive to continue the family line. We loved kids, we just weren't planning to have our own.


My husband first followed an internal prompt to explore and reconcile with the Catholic Faith of his childhood. As he returned, he prayed for my conversion in secret, afraid of my ridicule. Fast forward to miracle of miracles, after being staunchly anti-Catholic for over a decade, we attended Mass together in 2013. It has been a slow reversion, and yet at the same time, it has felt  like a whirlwind. Most certainly, what has been most profound in my reversion to Faith has been the change in my philosophical, social, and political view of the world. It has cost me friendships and strained family relations, but for every friendship I've lost, I have gained two...and I've learned how much deeper a friendship can go when it is founded in Christ and His Church.  

Through God's grace, and with great Thanksgiving, I am now a proud mother of four. I have come to see fertility as a gift to be cherished - not a problem needing medical intervention. I've learned that each child is a reflection of my love for my husband, and a calling by God to deepen my relationship with him. I've learned that good parenting is not at all selfish, as it requires complete self-sacrifice and denial. Through my vocation as wife and mother, I have come to better understand God, as He shows me how my interactions with my children are paralleled with my interactions with Him as His own precious child. I learn more about theology in reading and re-reading beloved bible stories with our children. This space is a place where I can compile the wisdom God has imparted to me through my precious children and in my vocation as wife, mother, and homemaker. 


Outside (and often inside) of my duties as a mother and wife, I am also a crocheter, hiker, baker, painter, pianist, teacher, and general lover of the outdoors. 

Madonna and Child
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